Be careful with some bioenergetics
The truth is that some years happened before I accepted my diagnosis. I went to see other doctors like bioenergetics and some of them do not conceive menthal illness. Some of them tell you to stop taking pills because they damage your kidneys
It is a huge mistake, you do not say to a diabetic to stop taking insuline or an hypertensive to let the pill for pressure. But mind is mind and many doctors do not believe in menthal illness.
A few weeks ago a friend recomended me a coach whose first words were, what would you say if I tell you that you live in a paradigma you can change? I inmediatly stop trusting him. Nothing is above consecuences of stop taking medicine and yes, for me, Lithium has been my guardian angel. I have been euthymic for 8 years in a row and only Mom´s deadth made my emotions so hard and so deep that I wasn´t ok.
Please if you find a click doctor and he prescribes something that works for you, keep attached to it. Have faith, lots of faith and pray God each day to help you live quite normal one more day.