Feeling right doesn´t mean abandon treatment
I see you are felling better, I am glad, now the proof is coming. If you think that you healed completely you might be wrong. Yo will need to wait and see if synthoms doesn´t appear again. And is highly recomended to continue your treatment, otherwise depression can appears again and we do not want that or do we?
Do not ask yourself why me, that question has no answer. Probably is in your genes. We cannot fight our genetic constitution. We must try to understand it. Good habits are important, if you excersize do it during the morning because if you do it later it can affect your sleep. Sleeping well is essential. How many hours? it depends on you. The important thing is that you rest.
When we start getting older, we start needing less sleeping hours and we cannot make drama because of it. Try to meditate daily, to have good thoughts, to cheer love with the persons who care for you and those you care for.
Follow the treatment. Secundary effects: yes, they exist. Brain is the most beautiful and unexplore organ in our body. Unconsciuos more. Have faith. Faith is essential for our existence. The colective unconsciuos has memories that can helps us. You are not alone, you think you do but like us, millions of people feel hopeleness that is related with our life customs.
Share your feelings with a friend. Do not fear that somoelse sense you are weak or that you are confused. A hug, makes miracles. Trust your heart. If it has fear, look after your doctor and express in words what is hard to.
I am here. I can listed.
My instagram is @clausrpo77. Send me a message, I will try to reply.