First time with a psychiatrist
Yes, I know… after watching the directory of specialists and with no-one you could ask for advice, you make up your mind and choose one close to your home. When you start calling your body wants to hang up. Song continues ringing and finally a soft voice says Consultory of The name of the doctor, in what can I help you. Yes, I need an appointment, sooner better. Sooner? Doctor is full until december but may be someone cancel and I book you as a priority, your name is…?
Mention your own name freaks you out. And being in a list, more. But you gave the first step, you look out for help. Now you must wait. I know, is hard to wait when you are suffering. Take a little hope from your patience savings and let see what happens.
Fortunately someone cancelled and your appointment is for friday at 2:00 o´clock. Later we will talk about that first impression that is so important.
Dark wants to take you. We won´t let it happens.