Getting better, learning all again
When you start feeling better after a depression it is normal that you do things you usually did and you feel it like the first time. For example, driving. It happens to me that I sense the experience of driving like the first times. Also the city looks different, you noticed in construction buildings that were not there, going to the market is a unique experience, is like you were reborned.
Why senses feel different? Honestly I do not know. But they do. When you start having possitive thoughts things are going in the right way. Maybe you needed the breakdown to get out of your confort zone and value what is really valuable.
Friendships seem different as well. A hug is a HUG. And the light after your tunnel is already with you.
I might say praying is very important. We had thought no one listens to our prayings but is not truth. Depress people is always surrounded by angels too. The darkness that wants to swallow them cannot harm when you have your defenses up.
So, enjoy. You are alive again. Remember that say: when night is getting more dark, sun is coming and rises.