Loose friends and jobs but do not loose you
I shared with you the two novels that thanks to Planeta I have had the opportunity to share in my country with young people between 9th and 10o grade. Why I said let´s tak about mania?
After big depressions, I mean depressions of months, psychiatrist usually send us antipresive medication. This can or cannot help us get out of the crisis but, there is a cost.
Some minds are very sensitive and the roller coaster begins. They energy starts getting up and an UP, and nothing seems to stop it.
Their minds for some reason start working different with optimisim excess. They start feeling very atractive and they live irresponsible sex, the feel magnician and want to became entrepeneurs, they believe they discover a very important formula for humanity and many things where is also need a ride to the hospital.
Somehow they started to be dangerous for themselves and others.
Please, focus on the present. Forget time line, there is no past and there is no future, you must be living today. Psychiatrist hospitals are few and terrible. Control yourself and your mind before is too late.